Hello !
My name is Rae Tran, I am currently residing in Southern California (Central Coast to be specific). I am Vietnamese-American.
I have been living, working as well as studying in the US for over a decade. Having to experience the dynamic heterogeneous culture here in the U.S has led to many novel experiences that I would not have encountered in my native country.
There are two passions of mine:
Bachelor of Art in Art Therapy, minor in Psychology.
Master degree in Advanced Teaching in supporting my desire and interest in the transformation of the current U.S education system.
Working and learning toward building an enterprise where education plays an important role in our vision of Karmic Circle Coffee Trading
Karmic Circle Coffee Trading operates under three objective goals:
Tran’sformative - Vietnamese coffee perception
Tran’scendent - Purpose - Driven Quality Control.
Tran’sparent - Direct Trading Partnership.
I am looking forward to making all of your acquaintances.
In my perspective, the intellect cannot be separated from the environment.
I’d define intelligence as a purposeful utilization of knowledge consistent with the perceived needs of the individual and culture in which it resides. - Rae Tran